Wazifa For Success In Exam | Dua For Result

Wazifa For Good Result In Exams

There are many Wazifa For Success In Exam. You can recite these at any time. There is no specific time to recite these wazaifs. Exams can be a stressful time for students, filled with anxiety and uncertainty.

While hard work and dedication are essential for achieving success, many students find solace and comfort in spiritual practices like Wazifa and Dua. These acts of supplication serve as a reminder of their faith and reliance on Allah’s (SWT) ultimate guidance and blessings.

How to Recite these Wazaifs for Sucess in Exams

  1. سورة الفاتحة: 11 مرة بعد صلاة الفجر.
  2. سورة ياسين: مرة واحدة.
  3. ربي زدني علما: 100 مرة.
  4. آية الكرسي: 10 مرات

Surah Al-Fatihah: 11 times

2. Surah Yasin: 1 time

3. Rabbi Zidni Ilman: 100 times

4. Ayatul Kursi: 10 times

Wazifa for exam success is very simple, You can recite them individually or together, depending on your preference and the time you have available. It is recommended to be consistent and perform the wazifa regularly, preferably after Fajr prayer or at another time when you feel focused and devoted.

Dua for Result

اللهم إني أسألك علمًا نافعًا ورزقًا طيبًا وعملًا متقبلًا

“Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilm an-nafi’ wa rizqan tayyiban wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan.”

This translates to “O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, pure sustenance, and accepted deeds.”

Wazifa For Good Results

ربي لا تذرني فردًا وأنت خير الوارثين

“Rabbi la tazarni faradan wa anta khayrul warithin.”

This translates to “My Lord, leave me not alone, for You are the best of inheritors.”

Exam Ke Result Ki Dua

اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا أردت سهلا

“Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahla wa anta taj’alu al-hazna idha arradta sahla.”

This translates to “O Allah, there is no ease except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if You wish.”

You can also read: Best Dua For Parents

Dua For Passing Exams With Good Marks

ربي هب لي من لدنك ذرية طيبة إنك سميع الدعاء

“Rabbi habli min ladunka zuriyatan tayyibatan innaka sami’ud-du’a.”

This translates to “My Lord, grant me from Yourself good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication.”

Wazifa For Success In Exam | Dua For Result

Dua for knowledge and understanding

Recite “Rabbi Zidni Ilm”an 100 times

  • “Rabbi Zidni Ilman” (My Lord, increase me in knowledge).
  • “Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilm an-nafi’ wa rizqan tayyiban wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan” (O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, pure sustenance, and accepted deeds).

You can also read: Wazifa For Job

Dua for Ease and Success

Wazifa for success “Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahla wa anta taj’alu al-hazna idha arradta sahla” (O Allah, there is no ease except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if You wish).


How can I do better in exams?

Study regularly, practice old tests, and manage your time well during exams.

What if I feel nervous before exams?

Relax with deep breaths, think positively, and make sure you’re ready to feel more confident.

Is it better to study alone or with friends?

It depends on what helps you learn best. Some like studying alone, while others prefer studying in groups.

How do I stop delaying my study time?

Break your study time into smaller tasks, set deadlines, and avoid distractions.

What if I find hard questions in exams?

Stay calm, read carefully, and try your best. If you’re unsure, skip and come back later.


You can easily read Wazifa For Success In Exam. It is important to remember that Wazifa and Dua are not substitutes for hard work and dedicated preparation. Students must put in the necessary effort to study, understand the material, and practice effectively. However, these spiritual practices can provide invaluable support and peace of mind during a stressful exam period. 

By combining their efforts with sincere supplication and faith in Allah’s (SWT) ultimate plan, students can approach their exams with confidence and optimism, knowing that they have done their best and entrusted their success to the divine.

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